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Relentless; Rescuing My Daughter From Scientology

Learn why leading authorities on Scientology and religion call this book, "Powerful. Righteous. He will never be silenced and will ultimately prevail." "Great. Gripping. Devastating." "The text and illustrations make for great reading”.​

"Triggered by Scientology’s cruel disconnect policy the reader will journey with the author as he doggedly pursued every opportunity to heal his family tragedy. ”

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The Epigenetics Cure: Re-educating Your Cells and DNA for Optimal Health

is a program that can be used to prevent over 75% of all chronic physical and mental illnesses to expedite a persons return to health, reduce or alleviate their need for medications and prevent recurrence of any illness or dis-ease.


Misdiagnosis and Mistreatment: Your Doctor’s Advice Is the Number One Cause of Death

Death exposes the dangerous state of affairs in our "sick-care system" and the dangers of the current medical/pharmaceutical complex. Doctors causes over 800,000 deaths and millions of life-threatening complications each year. Or, as Harvard Professor Lucian Leape testified before Congress, it’s equivalent to six jumbo jets falling out of the sky every day!


Learn how to use scientifically proven epigenetically based techniques to activate your body's inner pharmacy to obtain all the biochemicals you need to be overcome ADHD,depression and anxiety to be focused, happy and calm without medications! The tools and strategies learned can help you lower medication dosages or end their need entirely while improving the way you feel, function and relate with others. The book contains a full and complete step by step program of helping you enhance your wellness and immunity levels, lowering your stress levels and helping readers development a new level of empowerment and focus in their life.

Accessing Your Inner Pharmacy:

For Overcoming ADHD, Depression and Anxiety Without Medication

A Unique Challenge for Avoiding Massive Anxiety and Depression in Our New World.

With this E book, it is my goal to shed light on what is happening; to bring new insights to address the anxiety and depression to provide a clear vision of the path make to inner peace and happiness. Perhaps, as you shift your emotional state through the protocols provided, you will be able to see through your “third” eye how this as an opportunity for us to learn, grow, and develop improved systems for health and wellness. As Ralph Waldo Emerson once penned, “We are immersed in beauty, but our eyes have no clear vision.” (Emerson, Atkinson & McDowell, 1950). By sharing my vision, I hope you can see the beauty of possibilities that perceive these challenging times as an opportunity to unite the human race regardless of artificially imposed boundaries or cultural differences.


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© 2021 by Brian J. Sheen. 

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